16th Spring Meetings with Warmaster

(as a part of Gaming Convention "Korgorusz Wiosna 2023")

Date: 2023, April 14-16.

Location: Konstantynów Łódzki.

Total number of participants in convention: over 40 (excluding guests with free admission).

Total number of Warmaster players: 14.

Participants in the Warmaster tournament: 10.

Warmaster players: Bejzkik (Chaos Dwarfs), Getlord (Dwarfs), Ghoul (Bretonia), Grzehoo (Chaos), Halbard (Orcs & Goblins), Hubert (Empire), Johnny Junior (Lizardmen), Johnny (Tomb Kings), Kretus (Dogs of War), Nairod (Dark Elves), Pater Junior (Dogs of War), Pater (Vampire Counts), Vazhyl (Vampire Counts), Wolfgar (Dogs of War).

Winner of the tournament: Bejzkik.

Awarded in special categories:

The Bloodthirsty Butcher (the most points for destroyed enemy troops): Hubert.
The Soulless Tyrant (the most points for lost own troops): Johnny Junior.

Photos: Vazhyl