Some History
The beginnings of Warmaster's interest in Poland were in 2001. During the meeting of a group of friends who had played Warhammer Fantasy Battle for years, dude with the nickname Getlord showed his friends 10mm figures and led a demonstration battle between the armies of dwarves and Chaos. It started from that. The rules of the Warmaster game were assessed as incomparably better than Warhammer Fantasy Battle from the 6th edition. Great importance was also the lovely design of figures in the first available armies: High Elves, Empire, Dwarves, Chaos, Orcs and Undead. The new game found a response among players who after the initial period of playing at home began to take part in public events, during which the Warmaster games were one of the points of the program.
The first such event was the Warsaw Convent of Battle Games "Bazyliszek", during which the first Warmaster tournament was organized on November 9, 2002. The tournament was attended by eight armies, and among the commanders were Getlord and Vazhyl - two people who permanently inscribed in the history of Warmaster in Poland.
On April 26, 2003, as part of the "Wojenny Młot" convention, a Warmaster mini-campaign and demonstration battles were played.
On October 18-19, 2003, the first event in Poland took place in Warsaw, during which only the Warmaster games were played. In a prepared tournament, in which each player had to play three battles, a total of 25 people took part. The event was called Autumn Meetings with Warmaster, which were later referred as the "First".
In the following years organized games in Warmaster took place as program points at fantasy conventions and conventions of battle games organized in various Polish cities. During these events, a group of over a dozen people formed, regularly playing in Warmaster, which together began to organize small, joint events, during which only played in Warmaster. These events were called "Meetings with Warmaster" (in Polish it sounds "Spotkania z Warmasterem"). They take place twice a year, in spring and autumn. Twice we managed to organize additional meetings that took place in the winter (2006 and 2007).
Several to dozens of people participate in Meetings with Warmaster. The tradition of organizing Meetings with Warmaster twice a year is continuous from 2002 until now.
Vazhyl the Cruel